Parool | CAESURA
Explore the transformative power of silence in our latest group exhibition, 'CAESURA,' featured in a recent article by Kees Keijer in Het Parool.

Gallery Viewer | Sam Andrea
Wouter van den Eijkel wrote an article for Gallery Viewer on the solo exhibition Fecund Ground by artist Sam Andrea.
Parool | Sam Andrea x Fecund Ground party
Announcement in newspaper het Parool of an evening filled with live music, performances and art. In collaboration with gallery Vriend van Bavink, gallery van Fanny Freytag, Skatecafe and artist Sam Andrea.

De Groene Amsterdammer | Bartland
Article in de Groene Amsterdamme about the opening of new gallery: gallery van Fanny Freytag. The gallery opens it’s doors with their first exhibition ‘Bartland’, a solo exhibition by artist Bart Eysink Smeets. Read about the upcoming show and the new gallery in the article.

Parool | Bart Eysink Smeets x Fanny Freytag
Announcement of new art gallery: gallery van Fanny Freytag. They open with their first exhibition ‘Bartland’ by artist Bart Eysink Smeets. The article elaborates on how the gallery was established, a collaboration between gallery Vriend van Bavink, Skatecafe and Nina Harzallah-Winterink and Len Rooth .